What is SpecOx?
SpecOx is ChemTreat’s unique specialty oxidant program, which provides enhanced microbial control in cooling and process waters.
ChemTreat takes a novel approach to advanced microbial control with multiple chemical options, proprietary techniques, enhanced equipment offerings, and a dedicated team of application experts. We assess the technical and financial demands of each individual application to optimize product, dosing rate, and application point to meet the specific needs of the system.
Why SpecOx?
SpecOx is handled by a dedicated team of subject matter experts focused on microbial control. Our application experts determine the optimal technology for each application, design the generation and feed equipment using our safety-based platform, work with our dedicated installation teams, and commission each system.
Customized training is provided for each application, and site-specific Job Hazard Assessments and an audit system are all part of our industry-leading program.
- Proprietary chemistries and feed equipment
- On-site generated engineered design
- Professional installation
- Safety features
- Reduced transportation costs
This program can be utilized within the following applications:
- Odor control
- THM reduction
- Chlorine reduction
- Bio-film control
- Iron and manganese deposition
- Reuse water
- Organics
- Ammonia
- Hydrocarbons
- Nitrification control
Treatment Options
ChemTreat offers a variety of specialty oxidant treatment options for the unique needs of our customers.Family of Chlorine Dioxide Generation Technologies
CD30™ is ChemTreat’s program for chlorine dioxide application. We recognize that most biocides present unique safety and handling concerns and designed this program with safety in mind. By using the most appropriate generation technology, ChemTreat’s SpecOx team develops individualized treatment solutions to solve unconventional problems. CD30 provides a turnkey solution with technical, installation, and monitoring support.
Monochloramine-Based Biocide
Millicide® is a monochloramine-based program for microbial control in particularly difficult-to-treat recirculating and cooling process waters. ChemTreat’s SpecOx team has developed a patent-pending on-site generator to ensure proper reactant control for efficient Millicide conversion.
Bromide-Activated Chloramine (BAC)
BAC is an enhanced monochloramine chemistry. This patented technology is licensed to ChemTreat and has a long history of microbial control and biofilm removal success in applications such as refining, paper machines, and many others.
Liquid Stabilized Halogen Technologies
ChemTreat’s patent-pending, dual-purpose SurfClean™ is a hydrogen stabilizer and biodipersant. As a halogen stabilizer, this product works by creating a chlorine “reservoir” and converts a portion of free residual to total residual. As a biodispersant, SurfClean has surfactant qualities designed to remove and disperse biofilms, increasing the exposed surface area and thus increasing overall efficacy.
Other Technologies
ChemTreat’s SpecOx team utilizes other advanced chemistries, on-site generated chemistries, and specialty oxidants (such as mixed oxidants). Our team continues to add new technologies as they become available.
Read our blog post to learn more about advanced oxidizing biocide selection for difficult cooling and process waters:
Any of these technologies can work when applied correctly under the right conditions; however, they can fail when applied incorrectly or under the wrong conditions. Make sure to consult with your ChemTreat water treatment team for proper selection and implementation of these technologies.